serve in the church

discover your spiritual gifts

Are you looking for a place to serve but not quite sure what area best fits you? Follow the link to take a Spiritual Gifts test that will help you discover what gifts God has given you and where you might want to start serving with Wolfforth Methodist!

CLICK HERE to take the test.

Hospitality: welcoming and assisting people on Sunday mornings!

Wolfforth Kids: helping children to experience the love of Jesus!

WEST Student Ministry: leading and loving teenagers into a growing relationship with Jesus!

Care Ministry: visiting the hospitals, nursing homes, and homebound!

Prayer Ministry: lifting the community, congregation, and world to God in prayer! 

Creative & Tech Team: helping to lead the worship services with instruments or voice, technical team, or photography team!

Grow Groups: host a GrowGroup that helps people take their next step with Jesus!

Administration: assisting with a variety of tasks in the church office.

Click here to volunteer!

serve the community

We highly value serving the diverse communities of Wolfforth, Frenship, and Southwest Lubbock. Please join us in partnering with our community to truly make a difference in the lives of our friends and neighbors!

purple bags

We have partnered with Bennett Elementary in providing groceries to the students in need. Grab a Purple Bag when you see them in the Narthex and fill it with groceries!

Alzheimer's & Dementia Support Group

We provide a support group for those who are caring for those from Alzheimer's & Dementia. To learn more, contact Lloyd Stice.

Community of Hope

We partner with Community of Hope and Co-op Church serving the Heart of Lubbock. 


We are always adding new ways to love and serve our community. Check here for more opportunities to serve our community!